
A generic web page by some kinda generic person

Creativity will soonly be SOON™

So, Rainbow Dash has, you know, kinda just joins the Dark Side, lol

Using UK date format: DD/MM/YYYY
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13/10/2024 One of my two primary archival sources are down, that is. Allegedly the data is still intact. Thus, I shall check those URLs when all is back up. I guess there's features hidden behind the login on If not, why is anyone even logging in? Maybe assuming donations, surely that could be done by direct transfer, etc??? There's anonymous ways to use, like pressing "save page" without logging in, lol. For all those who's data got breached, here's to hoping ya'll know not to reuse passwords everywhere, etc. As I opened up Neocities Dashboard, I noted quite a delay, could just be a DNS thing, could be something else. In which case, I guess I got a bit of research to see if DDOS attempts have been made against this site. As for the delays updating the dirt on Daryl, due to how UK law is being inequally applied (Not just 2-teir as BLM protested against): I'm awaiting to see how things pan out first. Being the page itself is very rambly, incomplete, etc, I may have to partition it all off into their own sub-categories ordered by time of primary incident: -- Daryl waiving a racist transphobic banner at the BLM march (Evidence) -- -- Daryl's transphobic "Genital preferences is transphobic" poster at Liverpool Uni (Evidence) -- -- How Daryl's actions enable their father's religion based scam (Evidence backed oppinion) -- -- Daryl's father laundered in child support fund meant for Daryl's eldest cousin (Evidence) -- -- Comments from Daryl both publically and to their family, esp in religion (Hearsay + Evidence) -- -- How I think it would be possible for Daryl to use medical sites to troll a president at cost of lives (Oppinion based Speculation/theory) -- -- Daryl's transphobic "trans inclusion" paper that's designed to target and harm trans people (Evidence, "scientific" Paper review) -- -- Daryl's a domestic abuser to two exes (Evidence based on their last ex D***d M****t and analyzed on timeframe of things such as "Me Too") -- -- Other things that show as evidence of Daryl's malicious and transphobic intents -- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 05/07/2024 Update on the transphobe known as Dr Daryl Hodge: I've now gotten attention here of an org known to investigate academic fraud, who may or may not investigate Dr Daryl. I'll e seeing if I can get a few other orgs to look into Dr Daryl for Academic Fraud and/or misconduct (Including ethical misconduct). This means the next one I'll be getting info out there on is the piece Dr Daryl did where Daryl wants to "include" trans people but without a per-capita limit suggested. The lack of a per-capita limit would enable institutions to target trans people with experimental drugs akin to how black people in history were used for experimenting on. That is, Dr Daryl Hodge has written a piece to encourage literal trans-genocide (When projection reflects back onto the projector, they become visible). I'm starting the first phase, the only way Daryl Hodge can stop me is to do no less than authentically transition! CHOP CHOP! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20/06/2024 In the unlikely event that Dr Daryl Hodge bothers to revisit this site in the low likelihood that Daryl knows of this site: I'm aware of Daryl's father (legally Public Concern due to Pastorial work: Pastor Tony Hodge) has gone towards Scotland which is potentially on the way to Daryl or from Daryl round-robin travel holiday style on the first month beginning of when Dr Daryl Hodge claims to be getting surgeries. This could be for a few reasons: --- maybe Daryl has gotten their breasts removed? --- In which case, Daryl better get uploading photos to Mastodon! --- Maybe Daryl's family is figuring how to back out of transition (Traexit?)? --- In which case, Daryl's on borrowed time before what I have on Daryl becomes legally "Public concern" --- Maybe Daryl's playing games, delaying or something unknown? In which case, you got two of them fat lumps Daryl: You got until around middle to end of August, CHOP CHOP or else! Daryl: That picture of you being transphobic and racist you uploaded to Facebook? Yeah, I parsed it through a detector, the one I used claims it's part of the training data and thus "not Ai", which serves as verification the public cannot deny. With that and the other provable dirt I have on you, you better transition. I know where I stand with openly TERFs, With TERFs-in-drag (wolves in sheeps' clothing) I feel very vulnerable. I used to look up to Daryl, someone I knew that I thought was out there trying to find a cure for AIDs and other biological protections: That's right, I used to look up to Daryl assuming they're finding a way to stop the very thing that harmed LGBT-etc en-masse, Now, I know Daryl actually wants us to be the majority of those who go into 1st stage clinical trials: Just like what happened historically before I was born, to black people killing off many black people with botched vaccines. Daryl can put a spanner in the works regarding dumping what I know on Daryl and relevent members of their family. Daryl can put up a topless picture of themself showing they've removed their breasts here: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19/06/2024 It seems I've mostly abandoned this site.... for now I'm being messed around by police who is meant to prepare an interview with a speech therapist (What TRA-Extremists call "conversion therapists", fail). This means delays in suing my ex carers and thus delaying suing social services, which I need to do to get access to the full set of documents without redactions. As for transitioning right now, the risks are all over the place ranging from: -eugenics-like admins on predatory Discord servers targetting people with autism spectrum disorder knowing that they'd regret and eradicate themselves eugenics style- -Gender Abolitionists trying to erase language people rely on in order to be known to exist in hopes to gain medical support- -Political weaponizers who're using the trans community to propose broad loose laws that would enable totalitarian control: i.e. like fascism/maoism/etc- -Transphobes trying to destroy the rights of trans people by reputation tarnishing- -etc- With so much on my plate constantly and a lot of procrastination: I've only just finished in-wall speakers that I started 3 years ago, let alone even start a lab to figure out how to make estrogen. Thus that'd be on hold for a long while. Being that I'm now 33 years old and the past 3-ish years, my face has changed shape (Defo something wrong with my biology when my puberty is so elongated) I'll be needing facial feminizing surgeries to correct for that. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 07/12/2023 A fair few things happening, just not updated this site in a while. Some things are turning around politically for our community, some things worsening. It's been 5 whole years now since I fully fell out with the person who is the reason I've developed a pro gate-keeping stance. Still having issues trying to sue my local council, without which I cannot move forward regarding any level of transition. This is because if I do without first suing the council, they can use my transitioning to claim I "was knowingly using misdiagnosis to claim PIP" and thus I'd be charged with Benefit Fraud. I have to prove my life has been dictated by them not the other way round :( This means I'm still stuck in limbo on this. I have to be careful, I feel the need to explain I benefit by the poor actions of the local Council purely on the basis they think they can buy silence. This is because the PIP is something awarded to, thus one is to accept purely on diagnosis. This means, I have to accept the misdiagnosis I have on reliance of "expert oppinion" until that changes, which means I have to sue the Council and prove that Social Services had in fact allowed Conversion Therapy to occur and had disrupted my ability to understand my dysphoria at such a crucial age wherein I could've had a far better childhood understanding alone. Just for self amusement, I made a page to taunt the TERF-in-Drag turn semi-valid ahole if they ever see it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 01/10/2023 Well, a fresh start now my biggest anxiety is over. I went to a gathering and the person in question had so many eyes on them that they dare not do anything that could lead to escalation. I did use my black tank-top to bring the more masculinity presenting attributes by hiding my curves, which my orange cardigan underneith would've swayed in and out of if the weather wasn't so cold to have me keep the tank-top on. Unfortunately, I made my sugar-wax a bit too warm-binding that caused some drying of the skin, no makeup with me either. I got the old homepage saved as a backup, I'll still be doing activism but back to picking big targets again (Like calling out the hire-stats hiding the bully-to-quit methodology before they had to show their quitter demographics stats). I'll still be part of and even keep an eye on the progress of pushback against the transphobic Gender Abolition ideology. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------- Update: Fresh starting of the blog and tidying down here... ---------------------------------------------------------- This Generic Person's site is coming SOON™, whenever soon is.... This is more a practice for playing with formatting and layout commands of the good ol' HTML canvass. I will prioritize NoScript visitors by using a JavaScript to render the advanced stuff over the default page....