
A generic web page by some kinda generic person


[Source link] - Guess who's a politician-grade public figure now?

[Source link] - An elected council candidate is expected to hold office for a full 4 year term,mthus the person is very likely still in office.

That person appears to: Have displays of "Critical Theory" minset/thinking as Vikki Blakeston, politicians and so forth? Check! Use the same propaganda talking methodology, obscurantisms, red herrings, etc as Social Workers, politicians, authoritarians? Check! Be corrupt, authoritarian and cagey like every other politician? CHECK!!!!!!!! Have "Disowned" most of said politicians' own family except those who can be unknowingly sucked up to and unknowingly used for virtue signalling or other nefarious reasons? Sounds about right! Of course, no names shall be mentioned here as this website is public facing (duh...) Disclaimer, because, yeah, some people may waste time and money on courts otherwise, only to wonder how they got broke and no-one trusts them, lol: This is protected speech under the clauses of "in public interest" and "Justification" wherein the information I am aware of, the screenshots I obtained and the discourses I have witnessed about the person who is considered as "of public interest" by virtue of the person being of a position of "public figure", with such information has lead me to the probability of the statements I place herein to be true as of the time I wrote this page (Known as "Statutory Honest Oppinion " Stub Wikipedia Link for reference purpose only, seek legal advice for more information). This is especially the case in categories of criticism, oppinion and scrutiny regarding public figures, These laws are in place to prevent Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs). Public figures are those considered in a position of qualified or political professional positions, which the candidate matches both simultaneously. Worth knowing, BTW ;-)