
/img folder (Graphics and pictures)

Purpose of the following pictures is for the about page and other reasons, it is the outline of my body made by applying multiple layers of luminance controls, colour removal and saturations until the following pictures were generated. So far of the few the people I have shown this photo to, the following amount of people think this is a silluette of a: Woman - 8 Man - 2 (3 if including my brother) Facebook's advertizing ai thinks it's female and advertizes to me accordingly. Copyright and license notice, All under Creative Commons as licensed by me DedR4M

Shadow art of me posing 1

Shadow art of me posing 2

Shadow art of me posing 3

Shadow art of me posing 4

Shadow art of me posing 5

Shadow art of me posing 6

Here's a photo I got of someone who stalked me, in the off-chance I capture more of these moments, I'll add them here:

This stalker thought I was rather pretty with my feminine curves!

Of course, I'm going to prioritize getting to safety over a photo!