
A generic web page by some kinda generic person

    Thoughts inspired by Tired Transsexual's substack post.

18/09/2023 REF: The question of who is really anti-trans by a lady who goes by the pen-name Tired Transexual A lot I'll be writing here will moreso be complementary to Tired Transsexual's post than direct commentary on, hence the tangents. That being, this here highlights some of my own observations that some of what Tired Transexual's descriptions and evidence reinforce. Gender Abolition among other covert transphobia and abuse is such a huge issue lately with people who transition for a variety of malicious purposes. This include those who transition as a prying tool in controlling people, "You're a TERF if you don't do what I want", people who claim or imply abolishing "gender" would somehow acheive equality when it'd hide the symptopms of inequality and would instead reinforce or hide a patriarchy/matriarchy, people who wish to abolish the very foundation in which people pivot in transition on and thus destroying the medical and psychological support network, people who culturally appropriate either living or lately even deceased cultures often to the point of racism, People who wish to use "being trans" as a prying tool for sexual exploitation and harm, people who wish to use "identity" through false-conciousnesses of "oppression" to bully people they see as lesser beings, people who wish to push eugenics or the loosely equivalent thereof (Because this fragment targets kids, this is often given as a golden excuse to TERFs) and finally people who are a mix of the above (usual). Whilst I list just some of the malicious fragments who infect the trans community in general, I have read upon Tired Transsexual's substack on the topic of the damages these people cause. The surface problems are much caused by mainly what is describable as the Gender Abolitionist, Eugenecist (rare but a loud and pedestalled bunch!) and the sexual exploiters. These groups maybe the cause of the surface problems but are merely the surface themselves from what I see in the power dynamics at play. The reason that the surface issues, the symptoms as it were are so concerningly large comes from the efforts of the Gender Abolitionists and bullies. The first of the methods therein often appears to be what's best described with the usual quote (Paraphrased to highlight the full extent): "If you can't beat them, join them.......... Then of course beat them from the inside where it causes the most harm" This method is one of the biggest drivers towards the push for "Self-ID" for it makes for an open flood gate to allow all the worst a free ticket inside. This would accelerate the tarnishing of people who transition by maximizing the amount of transphobic excuses on a golden platter handed to the reactionary and TERFs. The other method somewhat started really early on when some of us was wanting to find a common-descriptor for those of us who vary from un-passing to various natural and/or passing-variability outside the norm (GNC), this term was to be coined non-binary, they stole that too. The reason they stole that can be summed up in the following picture: [SOURCE] Badge promoting Embrace Extend Extinguish by 'adding more pronouns ad infinium' This method is quite old by now, as old as the transphobic attempt to slander all trans people as "pedo", this is known as "MAPs" (Not the sort with roads, etc). The method being from about 15 years ago has had little impact early on until those who abused the MeToo movement caused mass throwouts of cases of rape from courts in many countries. The group would be those who use "being trans" as a bullying tactic. The lure of Gender Abolition's harm and covert oppression was of great attraction to those who could no longer bully using threats of false rape allegations. To the group, the use of parody even to the point of actual medical transition (if called out, like Dr Daryl Hodge who transitioned after I called out for faking it) is the easiest route to cling onto early forms of activism to steer the activism against itself. This self-defeating activism trick pulled is one of the biggest splits within the community and is the driving force behind why there's a "Transexual not transgender" movement as of the past few years rising up. I don't know where things are likely to go from here, but I do think raising awareness towards everyone is of upmost important for a start. Just because someone claims to be "left/right/center/conservative/liberal/green/labour/etc wing", most people are not so rigid and whilst we might not get everyone to see eye to eye, as Louis Rossman said (Paraphrased): "If a million people say, 'but how does only one person?' then no change ever happens, but if even only a million change, that's more than none" I recommend giving Tired Transexual's page a read as it highlights more issues than my fairly narrow aspect of the overall picture. She highlights a considerable amount of the mispresentations that go on and the harms they do, whereas my entry here goes into the specifics of internal maliace. I may update this entry given new information and/or recommendations from the decent fragment of the community for whom I align.